What is a Copyright?
A copyright is defined as a form of intellectual property protection for original works of authorship. At its most general, copyright is literally "the right to copy" an original creation. These works may be published, but they may also receive protection if they are unpublished. Copyright law states that the original creative expression, published or not, is still considered to be the work of its author - and if you are the creator of this work, then you are its author. However, keep in mind that not every form of creativity may have a copyright. You cannot copyright facts, ideas, or systems, for instance.
What does copyright registration help you protect?
The main purpose of a copyright is to protect "original works of authorship". By its most general definition, copyright is literally "the right to copy" an original creation. Copyrights can help you protect:
- Literary works (fiction, non-fiction, poetry, articles, periodicals)
- Performing arts (music, lyrics, sound recordings, scripts, stage plays)
- Visual arts (artwork, illustrations, jewelry, fabric, architecture)
- Motion pictures (movies, TV shows, video games, animation, videos)
- Photographs (news, wedding, and family photos as well as selfies)
- Digital content (computer programs, databases, blogs, websites)
- Architectural works (buildings, architectural plans, drawings)
By registering your copyright, you create a public record of your work and your copyright claim. If anyone infringes on your copyright, you may sue for copyright infringement, and be able to recover damages for infringement.
What does a copyright NOT protect?
Not every kind of intellectual property can be protected by a copyright. For some kinds of expressions, you may need to file a trademark instead. Some examples include:
- Product names
- Business Names
- Book Titles
- Business slogans or advertising phrases
- Lists of ingredients, such as unique recipes